Find a Speech Therapist

Your health visitor, doctor or child’s teacher to get a referral to a speech therapist. Here are some national speech therapy associations and non-profit services that can help connect you to a speech therapist in your area. In the meantime practise the Speech Rocket strategies to support your child’s language learning environment.


England, Wales, Scotland & N.Ireland

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists suggest asking your health visitor, GP, district nurse, nursery staff or teacher for a referral, you can find and contact your local speech and language therapy service for more information.

Associations for Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practise have a catalog of private speech therapist.

ICAN support children with communication difficulties, speak to an advisor, to advise you about the next step.


Health Services Executive your local speech therapist contact details. Parent’s should contact their local health organisation to get an appointment.

The Independent Speech Language Therapists of Ireland have a directory should you wish to find a private speech therapist you can enquire about a session with your local therapist.


United States

American Speech Language Hearing Association have their own find a therapist page.

Head Start is a US non profit, you can apply to your local centre, then they can help connect you with a speech therapist.



Speech Language & Audiology Canada has a find a language therapist directory.

New Zealand

New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists Association has an online directory for easy access to find your local therapist.


Speech Pathology Australia have an easy tool you can use to find a therapist in your area.